Wednesday 16 September 2015

Mount Remarkable

Yesterday we spent most of the day driving.  We spotted over 31 emus on the way and we also saw something we hadn't seen for a long time, the beautiful ocean!  We had come through the centre of Australia and finally reached the bottom.  We drove down to an intersection and saw where we had turned off to go to WA 6 months ago.  

Today we started driving along the already travelled road to our stop for the night at the beautiful Mount Remarkable National Park.  We parked our caravan and went to the beautiful and peaceful creek to have a look.  Then we did a nice walk on a trail through the hillside and saw lots of kangaroos.  From the top we could see the Spencer Gulf which was pretty.  Today we slept in for the first time in a long time.  After we got prepared, we set off on a mountain hike.  It was a beautiful but strenuous walk.  Once we had climbed up the 480 metre tall mountain we looked out over the beautiful landscape and ocean.  After we climbed back down to the bottom we spent the rest of the day relaxing and playing card games.

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