Saturday 5 September 2015

Quiet day on the Finke River

We had a nice quieter day today.  We stayed in bed for a while today and then had bacon and eggs for breakfast.  When we looked out onto the water we noticed a new guest, a beautiful Black Swan.  

Then we went back to Ormiston gorge to do a small walk to a lookout.  On the way we saw 2 dingos, one at the campground and one crossing the road as we were driving.  Once we climbed to the top we were rewarded with a pretty view over the gorge.  We looked down from the lookout and saw a pool beneath us and could see a few small ducks beneath us.  Then we drove to another lookout which gave us a good view of the stunning Mount Sonder.  We then spend the rest of the day back at the caravan.  We made a graph of how many of each species of birds that were in the area.

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