Wednesday 29 April 2015

Herron Point

After a reasonable day of driving we pulled in at our next stop for the next 2 nights at Herron Point Campground. On the way we stopped in Bunbury to have a look around. We climbed up a spiral staircase which led up to a lookout  which overlooked the foreshore and a checkerboard lighthouse which was very interesting and very unique. Then we drove to the beach to look at a Volcanic Rock where I spotted a little crab scuttling under a rock in slimy water. Before lunch we went into a sweet store called Taffy’s where we could see a man making honeycomb and brought it around for everyone in the shop to have a piece, we bought a white chocolate block with sprinkles which was very yummy. 

We had a lunch accompanied with some very eager seagulls who kept trying to eat our food. I think that we are staying in a lovely spot and at dusk I got to see some men putting out nets for fish and maybe crabs to swim into. Luckily for me finally my tooth fell out (well actually mum pulled it out) and I’ve put it in a glass at the end of bed for the Tooth Fairy to collect.

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