Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Barn Hill

Yesterday we arrived at this lovely place called Barn Hill Caravan Park.  It isn't at all like a caravan park, we are only a short walk away from the beach.  After we set up we went down to the beach and had a quick swim.  While we were down there we explored the rock pools and found a small octopus.  The octopus moved in a funny but creepy way, you really only see it wriggling along, dragging its tentacles, then they get bunched up tight under a rock because they are hiding or trying to get away from you.  Then we went and watched some people play a game of Lawn Bowls on the Bowling Green.  At the end of that we all had a Sausage Sizzle before going off to bed.  

Today we went back down to the beach and explored the rock pools again.  This time we found 2 octopus and a big starfish.  I really enjoyed walking around all the pools that had lots of different things in them.  We had a really special dinner that night.  We went back over to the Bowling Green and had desert for dinner, so our dinner was Apple Crumble with Ice Cream and Custard.  It was delicious but I didn't have the Custard.

Monday, 29 June 2015

Beach combing

We didn't do much today but there were 2 exciting things that did happen.  The first thing was that a plane came and landed close to our caravan on the track.  It wasn't a big public plane but it was a smaller one with only one person in it.  The people that own the farm expected it to come, they regularly have aircraft land on their property.  The day we arrived a helicopter had landed but we didn't get to see it.  They once landed a big air force jet on an old airstrip on their land.  

The 2nd thing happened not long before dusk.  We set off for the beach again and took our dinner with us.  We searched for shells for a little bit and found 2 small sharks washed up on the beach.  Then after a wrote my cousins names with shells on the sand, we watched the sun set.  Then after the sun set we all played a game of frisbee on the sand and then we got hungry and had our dinner looking out at the ocean.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

De Grey River and Anna Plains Station

Yesterday we stopped over at a beautiful free camp by the De Grey River.  We relaxed there in the afternoon after we arrived.  Today we drove to a farm stay on 80 Mile beach which is very beautiful.  On the way we stopped at a roadhouse which had a lot of peacocks which were very beautiful.  Also on the road there was heaps of Hawks and an Eagle that when we got close they took off and the Eagle’s wings were humungous.  

The farm had a lot of cattle and wallabies and an friendly camel called Chewy.  We went for a drive down to the beautiful beach and found lots and lots of shells.  They weren't ordinary shells either they were proper gigantic shells.  We searched over the beach and picked up a heavy big shell and some pretty ones too.  We also found a skull which we thought belonged to a big turtle.  We also found a jaw bone that had big teeth attached and didn't look like it belonged to shark.  We weren't allowed to swim because apparently in shallow waters there are 3 metre long Bull Sharks and the tide was low anyway.  

Then we drove back through a heard of bulls, a donkey and passed lots of Wallabies.  After we relaxed at the caravan we drove back out to the beach to watch the sunset.  It was really pretty, watching it on the sand.  We stayed there for a little bit and then drove back to have dinner.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Last day in Karijini

Today we drove for 1hour and a half along a rough road to Hamersly Gorge.  When we arrived, I realised that everything seemed to be on an angle.  The beautiful water from the waterfall seemed to be going up and down the rocks.  The rocks on the side of the track was beautiful, it actually reminded dad and I as a giant Lasagna.  We climbed across the rocks and then came to a small but amazing waterfall.  Every time we passed a spot where the water fell down off the rock a little bit, they seemed to fall into a crystal clear pool.  

We sat there for while staring around at the beautiful surroundings and then climbed back out of the gorge to the car.  Then we drove to another gorge and on the way we saw another dingo and a mother and baby Bustard.  Bustards are quite queer but beautiful birds  At first we mistook the mother for a baby Emu and then realised there was a even smaller one next to it and it was nothing like an Emu except for the way it moves.  Then we did the Handrail Pool trail which was so fun.  The fist thing we did was have to walk through a wide stretch of water that reached up to just before my back.  Then we had to rock climb our way across the wall so we didn't fall into the icy water.  Then we had to hold onto a handrail while going down the waterfall to make sure we didn't slip.  Once we got to the bottom of the waterfall we came to a beautiful pool that was perfectly calm.  We sat there for a while before going back up the slippery waterfall and through the all the water. 

Then we went to another gorge trail called Hancock Gorge.  That one was also fun but a bit more trickier, we had to go through even deeper water and then do a spider walk which is just clinging onto any bit of rock sticking out and make your way above the deep water.  We also had to go through a narrow passage which the water rushes down and try not to slip.  To do that we had to hold onto the sides strongly and also climb above it using our arms and legs like the thing they go on Ninja Warrior.  At the end of there we came to a big drop in the gorge which we looked at behind a safety rope.  It was really pretty with all these pools and waterfalls, it was a bit sad to get out of the gorge because that was the last walk we would be doing in Karijini since we would be leaving tomorrow.  Today Kade and I also became a Karijini Junior Ranger.  We had to complete these activities and do environmental and safe things to get it.  The badge looks like a scout badge with a bird on it and we got to speak with the real rangers as well.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Karijini - Knox and Joffre Gorge

Today we drove to Knox Gorge.  We were going to do our first class 5 walk (class 5 is the 2nd hardest trail you can walk we normally do class 4 and 3) I was very excited.  We started to climb down the gorge, the rocks kept slipping beneath our feet.  When we finally got to the bottom we started to walk alongside the creek.  It was very beautiful walking along side the red cliff faces and the 100% clear water in the creek.  We crossed the creek a few times and had to edge along the wall so we didn't fall into the water.  

As I laid down on the side of the creek I discovered that the water was beautiful clean water.  It tasted absolutely lovely, a lot better than the not so nice WA water. Victorian water is defiantly the best water by far.  At the end of the walk we saw a lovely small waterfall that I sat next to.  We walked back and then climbed back up the gorge.  In the car I had a little bit of my lunch and then we drove to Joffre Falls.  It was a short walk but beautiful.  It started at the top of a very tall waterfall and then went down into the gorge, and ended up at the pool at the bottom of the falls.  We sat there staring at the waterfall for a while and then got into our bathers to swim in front of the waterfall.  As soon as I hopped in I forced my self to stay there for a photo and then I ran back out.  It was FREEZING!  It felt less then minus 10 degrees, it was so cold it actually hurt to go in.  After I warmed back up we climbed to the top of the waterfall again and drove back to the caravan for the afternoon.  

As we were sitting down inside because it was dark outside dad poked his head inside and told us there was a Dingo.  We all hurried outside and I grabbed dads camera and then we saw a red body moving against the grass in the dark.  It was beautiful to see the dingos furry red coat slowly moving against the darkness and it was quite close to camp too.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Karijini - Dales Gorge

Last night was very cold.  I had my Bed Socks, Dressing Gown and Beanie on and I was still cold.  This morning we got up and got ready for the day.  When we were ready we walked through the bush to the start of the 3 Dales Gorge walked we were going to do today.  We walked to the edge of the gorge and peered down to see the absolutely beautiful views of Circular Pool.  It was so pretty it is hard to describe.  Just try to picture the start of a gorge (so 3 walls around) with a green tinged crystal clear pool with one side that looked like a seat with a waterfall coming over it.  It was so unbelievable that this was all natural and that humans had done nothing to make the step shape in the cliff wall.  

We continued walking along the gorge rim and looked at all the astonishing waterfalls and pools that followed.  Eventually we slowly made out way done into the gorge and realised we were standing on the top of a decent sized beautiful waterfall!  We were standing were the little creek fell down into the pool beneath.  We spotted another track coming off the area and decided we will look here afterwards.  We read the sign that told us to be quiet and pay respect while walking through the area because it is an Sacred Aboriginal Site.  We walked in the rainforest and passed some magnificent trees and then came to a still pool with a smaller waterfall splashing into it on the other side.  It was called Fern Pool.  There was just something peaceful about the place.  Then though it was morning dad, Kade and I slowly but carefully made our way into the deep pool.  We were going to swim to the waterfall way on the side.  The water was much colder than I expected, I found it hard to swim because it was so cold.  When we got to the other side we held onto some rocks and smiled for mum who had the camera.  As I was looking around I noticed something in the trees,  they were bats asleep.  Dad and I moved to the side and held our breath to go under the waterfall.  It was almost like having a strong shower, it wasn't to heavy but it wasn't light either.  

Then we swam back to the other side and ran out for the towel.  As we were walking  back I was still shivering from the cold because the tall trees are blocking the sun.  We finally came back to the big waterfall (Fortescue Falls) and people were swimming in there.  I quickly sat down on the rocks an suddenly warmed up as I had a carrot for a snack.  We kept walking along the rocks and creek and our shoes got wet from walking through the water.  Then we continued walking along the bottom of the gorge and criss crossed over the creek on dry rocks we found poking out of the water.  As we were walking mum stopped and told us there a snake under the rock.  I looked under and I could see a coiled body rigging and then stating to uncoil, we didn't know what kind of snake it was but we didn't want to disturb it so we continued walking.  Then we finally came to the beautiful Circular Pool we had seen from above .  We sat there for a while and then climbed back up t the top of the gorge.  We walked back to the campsite and had a nice long rest for the rest of the day and then went over to Rob and Noi’s camper trailer because they were here as well.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Paraburdoo and Tom Price

Yesterday we stopped for the night a tiny mining town called Paraburdoo.  The mine was located in large mountains and was clear from every spot in the town.  On the way to Paraburdoo it was a long drive, it was a bit sad to leave the ocean behind.  The scenery on the way was spectacular, the mountains towered over us as we drove along side them.  

Once we arrived we had a look at the old, giant mining truck called Terex that was on display.  It was working between 1976, 1987 and could carry 154 tonnes of Iron Ore.  It was one of the 17 Jolly Green Giants which in their time carried 285 millions tones together, in its time (1976) each truck cost $675,000.   This morning we drove from Paraburdoo to a another larger mining town called Tom Price.  When we got there we did some shopping at Coles, we hadn’t shopped at Coles sine we had left home.  Then we went to the Info centre and got a Hard Hat and Protection Glasses because we were going on a mine tour!  A bus came and picked all the people doing the tour and then we headed off to the Rio Tinto Iron Ore.  We drove around  the mine and got told lots of facts about the mine.  We also got to hop out and look into the main hole.  It used to be a tall mountain but now all that is left is a very large hole.  We watched the diggers and trucks go pass and the really really long train with 236 wagons get piled up with all the Iron Ore the bidders had dug out.  They have 5 trains come in per day and each train gets loaded with 27,376 tonnes so that means each wagon gets 116 tonnes!  

After that we went to drive up the tallest mountain you can drive up in WA called Mount Nameless.  It was a very rocky and very steep drive but when we got to the top it was worth it.  Up the top it was 360 degree spectacular views.  We could see the whole town and mine far below, it was like standing on the very top of Eureka Sydeck.  After we took a lot of photos we went back down the steep mountain and then drove to our next stop Karijini National Park.  On the way we saw a dingo in on a hill.  We parked our caravan set up and relaxed for the rest of the day planning what we would do tomorrow.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Yardie Creek

Yesterday I didn't do anything because I was not feeling well, I think I had a bug, but I did get to watch a cartoon movie called The Outback.  

Today we drove to Yardie Creek and walked along the Nature Trail, then to the top of the gorge above the creek.  We started walking along and then I looked into the water and saw large fish playing at the surface of the water and millions of tadpole sized fish were swimming around in a whirlpool shape.  Then as we passed some Mangrove Trees we heard a screeching noise.  We looked into the bushes and saw… Fruit Bats!  It seemed we had woken them up because they were moving around still hanging upside down in their black elastic suit looking bodies, I loved their cute little brown furry heads.  

We continued the walk and saw some large and pretty birds and nests and then we saw something grey and red move in front of us.  We got up very close to the bush where we had seen the movement and saw a grey mummy Kangaroo with a red daddy Kangaroo and poking out of the mummies pouch was 2 adorable joey ears.  We were right next to them and they still didn't seem as if they wanted to hop away. Finally 2 more people came by and they hopped off, that was when I knew for sure the little ears belonged to a joey because as they hopped away it looked like someone put a heavy rock in the mummies pouch.  The walk was short but had spectacular views of the red cliffs and the bluey/brown water.  

After that we had a swim at Sandy Bay and Kade and I made a miniature sandlady (a snow lady made of sand) complete with hair, eyes and arms.  Then we went to Oyster Stacks and had a snorkel.  The fish were bright and large and mum thought she saw a harmless Reef Shark in the shadows of a large oyster stack.  Later in the afternoon back at Peaches we played a game of Yahtzee.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Shothole Canyon

Today we went for a drive through Exmouth to the eastern side of the National Park.  As we were passing through Exmouth, we stopped at the 3 Islands office to collect the professional photos that MJ took.  We were driving to the other side of the National Park because we were going to do the Badjirrajirra Loop Trail.  We started to drive up the mountains and then we realised beside us were some gorgeous gorges.  It was amazing to drive up the steep mountains and look down into the magnificent gorges, some of the gorges I couldn't see the bottom.  We started the loop which ended up being a lovely walk of 7.5kms and taking us 2 hours and 15 minutes.  The prettiest bit was half way,  as we looked out over Shothole Canyon.  It was really pretty, but soon after then it was raining so we had to be careful on the slippery rocks while trying to get quickly back to the carpark.  By the time we got out of the National Park our white car was now browny/red from all the mud and puddles driving back down the hill.  

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

A Whaleshark Adventure

Last night I found it hard to sleep because I was so excited, we were going to swim with Whale Sharks.  We got up at 6:00am and started to pack our things into the backpack.  When we were ready we drove to the boat ramp, while dodging the Kangaroos (one Kangaroo narrowly missed us).  We pulled into the carpark and waited for the others to arrive, and as soon as they did we got split into 2 groups and went onto different boats.  Our boat was called Nedo-K and to get to the big boat a guy named Tyler came and picked us up in a little blowup boat.  Once we arrived on the boat we got told the rules and got our equipment.  The crews names were Tyler, Tara, Liv, Elle and M J.  We had a few morning snacks and then sailed to a snorkelling spot and had a quick snorkel.  The place was beautiful and we saw some very large fish and some interesting ones including a Boxfish.  We also saw new types of coral, such as  Anemones like in Finding Nemo.  After we finished snorkelling we had a Hot Chocolate and headed out on to the bow which is the front part of the boat.  

As we were cruising along the shallows we heard the good news, our spotter plane had spotted a Whale Shark for us to swim with!  We had to cross the reef and on the other side it was so deep that you cant see the bottom.  The water was really choppy and Kade got sick so he didn't get to enjoy it too well.  When we arrived at the location of the Whale Shark, half the boat (not us) jumped in to the water to swim with the Whale Shark, but they were back quickly because the Whale Shark had dived down deep into the blue water.  So the spotter plane went out and spotted another nice and quickly and this time it was my groups turn to have a swim with the Whale Shark.  I put on my wetsuit, fins and mask and sat on the back of the boat ready to slide in.  As soon as I slid into the water, I didn't feel worried anymore.  We waited for a little while and out of the blue came a giant spotty body 7 metres long.  As soon as half of its body passed me I turned and started to swim next to it, I swam as fast as I could and it was tricky to keep up and the Whale Shark looked like it was going as slow as it could.  After a minute or 2 the tail of the Whale Shark disappeared from view.  It was an unbelievable experience and it didn't seem real, it felt like staring at a giant movie screen while running as fast as you could.  We made our way back to the boat and then mummy was sick.  I was exhausted after I climbed back into the boat and I collapsed on the ground.  The other group had a swim with that Whale Shark and then we hopped back in. This time I felt like I experienced it more, and the Shark just swam peacefully along while we kicked wildly next to it.  After we got out we went in search because the spotter plane said there was another Whale Shark near us.  We bumped along the churning ocean and I started to feel a bit seasick and I normally don’t.  When we found the next one the first group had their go and then we jumped in but mum and Kade stayed behind.  This Whale Shark was a 5 metre, 5 year old (teenager) boy and he seemed to enjoy us swimming with him.  When we hopped in dad and was sick so it made us swim a bit faster though we didn't feel well.  Then we got to have one last lovely swim, but by the end dad and I got a bit tired so we got a quick lift to the rest of the group from Tyler.  

It was a expensive trip but defiantly worth it.   We had lunch, I had a few carrot sticks, a small drumstick and a cheese, turkey and chicken stuffing half sandwich.  We had another snorkel after we got back on the shallow side of the reef.  When we got moving again, I climbed up the ladder to the drivers cabin and had a look to see if I could spot anything.  When we went to the bow, some people saw a turtle (I didn’t) and we saw a skinny fish dance across the water and some thing in the water that was either a Dugong or a shark.  We put down the anchor and caught the blowup boat back to the little jetty and we were on land again!  We drove back to the campsite and got in the caravan just in time time to take cover from the wind and trickles of rain.  What a day!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

A Big Surprise

This morning I had the best surprise.  Mum and dad had told Kade and I to stand holding a piece of paper with some writing on it (we didn't know what it said) and smile for the camera.  After they took a few photos, they told us we could read what it said, this is what we read, We are about to find out we are going to swim with WHALE SHARKS.  I couldn't believe it, we were going to go out on a boat and swim with the largest shark in the world!  They then told us we were going tomorrow, so we only had one night to wait.  After we calmed our excitement, we packed our snorkel gear in the car and headed off to snorkel at Oyster Stacks.   The reason we left so early in the morning was because you could only snorkel at high tide and high tide was early this morning, otherwise the stacks would not be submerged and poke out of the water.  We climbed our way down into the water and our eyes adjusted to the sight of the bright fish swimming around us.  I saw 3 small starfish and 1 bright blue one that had really thick arms.  After we got out, we dried off and then went back to the caravan.  We played a few games of UNO and then had some lunch.  In the afternoon we went and up and talked with some other campers and watched some brilliant whales all heading North.  I just can’t wait for tomorrow!

Monday, 15 June 2015

Whale watching

We had to move today to a new spot, it was only 300 metres away to Kurrajong.  We had already booked for Kurrajong before we left for the trip, but as we were ahead of schedule, we first stayed a few nights at North Kurrajong.  We waited for the people in the spot we needed to go into to leave, then we pulled in right after them.  Before we left we saw an amazing sight, TWO WHALES!  We were standing up on the hill so we had a clearer view of the whales, they blew out of their blowholes and had there backs out of the water and flipping their tails up in the air.  It was amazing!  After we set up we went on a walk around a gorge.  It had really pretty views, we walked along a dried up rocky creek and we climbed up some mountains along the way.  From the tops of the mountains we could see so much more ocean tan you can see on the beach.  After that we went back to Turquoise Bay but in a different section and we had a snorkel.  There was some very pretty coral and fish and the gentle waves helped us move steadily along the reef.  After, Kade and dad had their turn and when they came back, dad had seen a really big pink Octopus.  Dad said it was a little creepy because its head was sticking out of one side of a rock and the tentacles out of the other.