Friday 12 June 2015

Cape Range National Park

Today we packed up the caravan to go to Cape Range National Park.  Before we left I took a selfie with some of the animals and I said goodbye to them all.  We drove for an hour along the highway until we arrived in the town of Exmouth.  We did a big shop and stocked up on food for the next 10 nights in Cape Range. We were also debating over whether we buy a block of the Vegemite Chocolate and in the end we bought a block. When I had first heard of the chocolate I thought it was a horrible idea but when I tried it I actually liked it, it just tasted like having some Vegemite and then having some plain Chocolate.  We drove in to the park and pulled up in a campsite called North Kurrajong and set up nice and quickly.   Around 5:00pm we went up to the table and seats on a hill over looking the ocean and had a chat with the camp host and a few other campers.  Down in the water when we were exploring we spotted 2 reddy/yellow rays in the shallows and as soon as our feet touched the water it sped off like it had a turbo jet with out even using its wings.

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