Monday 8 June 2015

Fish feeding

Today we drove back out to Coral Bay.  After we went shopping we put on our snorkelling gear (again) and we went snorkelling (again).  We saw some beautiful groups of bright coloured fish.  We had a little time out there before we got cold and came back in.  We had lunch and a rest on a grassy spot, then mum and I went back out to snorkel.  As mum and I made our way along the peaceful reef, mum pointed out something we had never seen before.  It was some kind of fish that looked like a long eel cross with a swordfish and was so weird looking and we still haven't found out what it was.  Then after we got out mum and I went for a shower while dad and Kade had their second snorkel.  When we all met back up, we went out into the water to go to the 3:30 Fish Feeding. We stood in to the water and lots of Spangled Emperors came and swam around us and some of the fish were really big.  A volunteer came around and handed us some Silver Perch tasting fish biscuits to feed the fish.  They came up close and let their slimy bodies brush past my legs, the slimy part of their bodies is their protection layer.  As we were feeding the magnificent fish some of them got a bit bossy and turned themselves a brown colour (they are normally silver)  with blue tipped scales to show they wanted the food.  Feeding the fish was exciting but it had to end, so when it finished we drove back to the caravan and dad,  Kade and I played a game of Handball.

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