Last night was very cold. I had my Bed Socks, Dressing Gown and Beanie on and I was still cold. This morning we got up and got ready for the day. When we were ready we walked through the bush to the start of the 3 Dales Gorge walked we were going to do today. We walked to the edge of the gorge and peered down to see the absolutely beautiful views of Circular Pool. It was so pretty it is hard to describe. Just try to picture the start of a gorge (so 3 walls around) with a green tinged crystal clear pool with one side that looked like a seat with a waterfall coming over it. It was so unbelievable that this was all natural and that humans had done nothing to make the step shape in the cliff wall.
We continued walking along the gorge rim and looked at all the astonishing waterfalls and pools that followed. Eventually we slowly made out way done into the gorge and realised we were standing on the top of a decent sized beautiful waterfall! We were standing were the little creek fell down into the pool beneath. We spotted another track coming off the area and decided we will look here afterwards. We read the sign that told us to be quiet and pay respect while walking through the area because it is an Sacred Aboriginal Site. We walked in the rainforest and passed some magnificent trees and then came to a still pool with a smaller waterfall splashing into it on the other side. It was called Fern Pool. There was just something peaceful about the place. Then though it was morning dad, Kade and I slowly but carefully made our way into the deep pool. We were going to swim to the waterfall way on the side. The water was much colder than I expected, I found it hard to swim because it was so cold. When we got to the other side we held onto some rocks and smiled for mum who had the camera. As I was looking around I noticed something in the trees, they were bats asleep. Dad and I moved to the side and held our breath to go under the waterfall. It was almost like having a strong shower, it wasn't to heavy but it wasn't light either.
Then we swam back to the other side and ran out for the towel. As we were walking back I was still shivering from the cold because the tall trees are blocking the sun. We finally came back to the big waterfall (Fortescue Falls) and people were swimming in there. I quickly sat down on the rocks an suddenly warmed up as I had a carrot for a snack. We kept walking along the rocks and creek and our shoes got wet from walking through the water. Then we continued walking along the bottom of the gorge and criss crossed over the creek on dry rocks we found poking out of the water. As we were walking mum stopped and told us there a snake under the rock. I looked under and I could see a coiled body rigging and then stating to uncoil, we didn't know what kind of snake it was but we didn't want to disturb it so we continued walking. Then we finally came to the beautiful Circular Pool we had seen from above . We sat there for a while and then climbed back up t the top of the gorge. We walked back to the campsite and had a nice long rest for the rest of the day and then went over to Rob and Noi’s camper trailer because they were here as well.
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