Today we had a big drive from Banka Banka Station all the way to a place called GemTree. On the way we stopped at a place called Devils Marbles. It was a place where there was beautiful, large, circle rocks stacked in the middle of a rockless range of rolling mountains. Some of the rocks were split in half and one was so perfect you could see the inner coloured Granite.
Then we stopped at a town called Aileron where there were some giant statues of Aboriginals. A man was on top of a hill and a mother, child and lizard were at the bottom of the hill and we stood beneath them. On the way we saw a strike of lightning from the clouds and saw our first rain in about 2 months. In the afternoon we lit a fire to keep warm from the cold night. That night there was a storm. There was super loud thunder crack and lots of it. Though it was pitch black in the caravan, every now and then I could see flashes of light from the lightning.
Almost home!