Friday 21 August 2015

Maguk and Gunlom

Today we left and drove to our next stop Gungurul. After we set up we drove to Maguk.  We did a walk and came to a beautiful pumping waterfall with a very big swimming hole.  We jumped into the water and found it the perfect temperature, which came as a surprise since most of the swimming places we’ve been to lately have been freezing.  We swam around for a while and found some good ledges to jump off.  Then we climbed up to the top of the waterfall and swam in the pools up the top.  While we were exploring the pools, I found a small snake curled up on one of the ledges.  We also jumped off into the deep pools up the top.  We sat on the top of the waterfall and looked down to the pool below.  Then we left and went and had a swim at Gunlom Falls which was much colder and the waterfall was only a trickle.

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