Wednesday 5 August 2015

Edith Falls

Today we left Katherine and moved on to the next spot, Edith Falls in Nitmiluk National Park.  We arrived there nice and early to set up and be ready to do some walks for the day.  After we set up, we explored around the campsite and found that the beautiful Edith Falls were right at out camp so we could swim there any time we liked.  Then we got ready to do a nice short walk to the Upper Pool where we planned to have a swim.  

Once we arrived at the beautiful upper falls we slid into the water straight away.  I swam with my new friend Maya, who is French and is visiting Australia for 2 months.  We spent most of the day swimming around under the waterfall and jumping off small ledges into the water.  After a while we walked back to camp and swam at Edith Falls.  We brought our noodles to play with and all of us swam all the way across the 150 metre pool to the waterfall and back.  Later in the afternoon Maya and her little brother came to our camp and we made a cubby house out of sticks, the frame was already built. Then we did some drawings as well.

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