Thursday 16 July 2015

Manning Gorge

Today we went to the roadhouse to get some more food before coming back to the caravan to start our day.  After we got back, we got ready to walk into Manning Gorge.  The start of the walk was something we had never done before.  We had to go across the Billabong on a motor-less fishing boat.  Because there wasn't a motor the boat was tied by rope to trees on either side of the Billabong and we had to pull the rope to get us across.  After we made it a across the Billabong we started the walk. 

After a while we arrived at another beautiful waterfall.  I think it was one of the prettiest waterfalls I’d ever seen.  Since we were hot we jumped off a ledge and into the water straight away.  I jumped off the bottom ledge first and then the middle one a few times.  Once my confidence started to build I decided I was going to jump off the high one.  So I climbed up to the ledge and didn't look down, I just jumped.  When I landed it hurt, but it was so fun I did it another 2 times.  We swam and jumped for the whole day but when it was starting to get late in the afternoon we had to walk back.  After we made our way across in the boat we had another swim to cool off.  Back at the caravan, we all collapsed in our chairs after our big day.

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