Sunday 19 July 2015

Mitchell Falls

Today we got up early to do a walk to the famous Mitchell Falls.  We go up early because the sign said it would take around 3 hours to get there and 3 hours to get back.  The first pretty thing we went to on the way was a waterfall called Big Mertens falls, which was pretty because the bottom of the gorge (where the waterfall ended) was really far below.  Past that we saw a pretty pond filled with heaps and heaps of Lily pads and flowers.  Not long after we arrived at the stunning Mitchell Falls.   

We first stood at the top of it and then walked around to get a better view of it.  Mitchell Falls was made of 5 waterfalls on 3 levels, all ending in pools.  We found another path to get halfway into the gorge (with a better view) and sat there to have lunch.  While we were sitting there, we saw 2 small furry animals.  The bodies of them looked like the Quolls we had seen last night without the spots, but the tail looked like a ringtail possums.  After we found our way back up to the top, we found a nice spot to swim.  We swam there for a little while before walking back to camp.  When we did get back we realised we did the walk in only 2 hours, 1 hour each way.  To celebrate that Kade and I got some yummy chocolate milk and some Doritos.  

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