Thursday 21 May 2015

Monkey Mia - Dolphin feeding

Today was one of the most exciting day of my life!  It started with getting up early and driving to Monkey Mia to watch the first of the dolphin experiences.  We waited for a little bit for the dolphins on the sand and while we were waiting an adorable little Green Turtle came swimming past.  The Green Turtle splashed its little flippers and kept lifting its head for a breath.  Then eventually a mother dolphin called Puck and its calf Piccolo came and joined us on the shore, so close to us we could of touched them but that is illegal.  Two of the rangers gave us some information about dolphins and then told the crowd it was feeding time.  Right at that moment a pelican came down to get ready to steal the fish but the rangers were prepared for that and had a distraction bucket called the Yellow Bucket full of fish to distract the pelican.  When a few more rangers came down with 1 bucket of 3 fish for Puck because Piccolo had left, the people picked out 3 volunteers to feed the dolphin but unfortunately neither Kade or I was picked. 

Then we had a long rest at the Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort while watching the waters for playful dolphins which we didn't find. Then we went back down to the beach for the 2nd dolphin experience which had just started because there was already 2 dolphins there, Piccolo was back and there was another one called Shock (all the dolphins they feed are girls because the boys are too aggressive).  We didn't have to hear it all again because the lady soon said that it was time to feed and immediately 2 pelicans came and out came the Yellow Bucket. They picked out people to feed the 2 dolphins and once again we didn't get picked. Then luckily another dolphin arrived just in time, its name was Surprise and I held my breath to get chosen to feed her and YES! I got chosen, so I brought Kade along with me and I got handed a slimy fish by the tail and WOW as quick as a flash it was in the dolphin’s mouth. It was such a great experience to see the wild dolphins so close and to see their actions while feeding them some fish. Later we went on a 4 kilometre walk which on the returning leg was along the beach, where we passed 3 camels on the beach waiting to be ridden. 

(Kade and I actually feeding a dolphin)

After lunch we went out on the boardwalk and dad spotted another adorable turtle swimming near the posts. We got out our snorkelling gear and went down to the beach to test them out for the first time.  The mouth piece felt funny at first, then it felt fine but I still can’t get the hang of the flippers. I found some pretty shells and things and the water was very salty. Then after we got dry we went up to the café and dad ordered a chocolate milkshake for Kade and I, it was very yummy and had the perfect thickness though mum thought it was a bit big. Then we went back Peaches and got ready to go back down to watch the sunset again. When we got down to the boardwalk it was dark and there were a lot more fisherman, I was disappointed because the sky wasn't as spectacular as the night before but it was still very pretty.


  1. Hi Mylee, I have been reading all of you interesting and detailed posts today. What an amazing holiday you and your family are having. You have been to many of the places that I would like to travel to in the near future. I especially liked the Window to the World photo at Kalbarri. That is one place I would love to see for myself. I look forward to reading and seeing more photos of your travels. From Mrs Humby

  2. What an amazing experience Mymy! I love dolphins and turtles. Love reading your blog, you're writing beautifully. Miss you. Love you. Aunty Lara xx
