Saturday 30 May 2015


Today the whole family went for a walk and I bought some some new thongs and a book.  Then we went back to the festival from yesterday and had a walk around the stalls and at one of the jewellery stalls I bought a beautiful ring and a few more books.  Kade and I participated in a dancing competition and we both won a small prize each. We went back to the caravan for lunch and then came back to the festival to watch the local Pony Club do some excellent show jumping.  The horses and ponies were all very cute and a few refused to do some of the jumps.  

On the way back we spotted some celebrities, Kelly and Chloe from My Kitchen Rules!  We walked over to where they were and realised they were cooking and handing out free food!  They were making Banana Spring Roles with Ice-cream.  I had a bit of the pastry and gave the banana part to mum (I don’t like banana) and the ice-cream part was unbelievable.  Then after we walked back to the caravan I Skyped one of my best friends Lily for the 2nd time and I got updated with all the things happening back at school.

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