Monday 18 May 2015

The Loop

Today, the first thing we did was head straight to the Kalbarri National Park and got prepared for our 9 km hike. We started the long scenic hike at Natures Window and then continued along the cliff top, then around the corner and down to the sandbar next to the river. On the way as we were going around the twisty-turny shapes of the river, I spotted two kangaroos bounding on the edge of the cliff alongside us, then we spotted 2 more red kangaroos being one of the many bushes further up. The cliff faces were beautiful because of its magnificent colours as were the caves made from fallen rocks.  The hike was very long and had some tricky parts along the way, especially  trying to fit through small gaps on a rock on the river and the climb back to the top of the cliff at the end. The hike took us 3 hrs and for a treat for hard working we got a delicious Golden Gaytime ice-cream back in town before going back to the caravan. After a nice cold shower to cool us down we relaxed by the river for the afternoon.  

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