Saturday, 16 May 2015

Pelican Feeding and Rainbow Jungle

In the morning we drove to the foreshore to watch the pelican feeding.  Kade and I got to throw out some of the slimy fish to the 5 pelicans.  We learnt how to tell males apart from females and babies apart from adults.  The male pelicans are taller then the females and I think 2 of the 5 pelicans were male so that leaves 3 girls. The difference between an adult  and a juvenile pelican is that the colour features of the adults are darker.  Their wings, feet and even the yellow colour around the eye are darker than the young pelicans. 

After we made a donation for the pelican feeding, as it is run by volunteers, we went for a drive along the coast but only stopped to go outside at Eagle Gorge because it was raining and windy. 

Then we arrived at Rainbow Jungle which is a parrot breeding centre with birds such as parrots, cockatoos, macaws, parakeets, lorikeets, budgies and heaps more.  Just as we started looking around at the magnificent birds, one of the staff was coming through and feeding the birds.  Luckily Kade and I got to help hand feed the larger birds some almonds.  We held the almond up to the edge of the enclosure and the birds would come and hang on the sides with their beaks and feet and take it out of our fingers with their strong beaks.  The colours of the birds were all stunning, there was a mix of rainbow birds, bright coloured birds, pretty patterned birds, talking birds and funny looking birds.  There was a bird in the doorway named Cocky and when I sang to him he would dance to the music.  Then because it was still raining when we left, we went back to Peaches to play a game championship uno.

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